How To Manage Anxiety During Spiritual Awakening

How To Manage Anxiety During Spiritual Awakening

Perhaps the best way to understand a spiritual awakening is to look at it as a rollercoaster ride. It is not always rainbows and unicorns. Sometimes, it puts up a mirror in front of you to make you look at your deepest and darkest side. Not only that, it forces you to heal everything that you might have ignored or suppressed in the past (trauma, shame, fears, addictions, failures, etc.)

As such, it is only nomal for anxiety to surface every once in a while during your spiritual awakening process. After all, you are literally disintegrating your old self and growing into a much more evolved version. Not only that, you are waking up to the reality of the world. This can cause disenchantment, painful realizations, detachment, and so on.

Of course, not everyone goes through a dark transition process. Some people do have a relatively peaceful and relaxing experience throughout the whole thing. However, most people find that they have to go through a terrible phase to get to the other side.

Since anxiety can be a natural side-effect of spiritual awakening, you should know how to manage it. Otherwise, it will only make the process more difficult. Below, we take a look at some effective ways you can do that.

1) Know That It Is Necessary

Spiritual awakening is like the process of becoming a butterfly from a caterpillar. And as you already know, this process can't happen without a transition phase. Sure, this phase may hurt, but the result will be beautiful. So, if you are suffering from anxiety right now, tell yourself that it is necessary for a very beautiful and fulfilling future. You might be feeling weak right now, but know that this weakness will ultimately lead to a much stronger you.

2) Look For Support

Pouring our hearts out in front of the people we love can be a healing experience. It can make you feel better and give you a new perspective on your situation. Plus, you realize that you are not the only one going through this journey. So, in the midst of the transition process, you should find someone who is going through the same. You can share what you're going through and maybe even compare notes!

3) Act As An Observer

Spiritual gurus often tell us that we need to act as observers in our lives (regardless of whether we seek spiritual awakening or not). They say that it is best to not let our thoughts and emotions impact us negatively. When you are an observer of your own self, you create a certain distance between yourself and your psychological drama. This leads to a stoic state of mind. You are no longer in resistance but in acceptance. And this wards off anxiety, stress, and fear.

4) Focus On The Positives

A spiritual awakening is a beautiful thing. Sure, you might need to go through a difficult phase to finally achieve it, but it will all be worth it. It will almost feel like you are reborn. An entire lifetime's worth of negative energies will be released from your body, and this will make space for positive energies and a higher vibrational state to exist. You will also have a much wider perspective on life and reality. And you will finally understand what your purpose is in this life.

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