Ego Death 101

Ego Death 101

Let me ask you a question. I’m guessing that sometime in the last few years, you have heard the term ‘ego death’ being tossed around? Am I right? Let's take a look at some of the basics surrounding the idea of an ‘ego death’ and how that relates to us today and what that means for us tomorrow!

While the idea of an ego death, or loss of self identity, is by no means a new concept (In fact it's quite ancient!), there has definitely been an increased level of societal awareness related to it as of late, and that is an amazing thing! Why, you ask?…Why are so many people talking about Ego Death or searching for ways to attain this mystical level of enlightenment? That is a very good question!

The answer is two fold, first and foremost, our society has reached a point in its evolution where more and more people are looking inward. The more technology advances and the more we become disconnected from one another, the more we strive to go deeper in search of meaning. More and more people are looking for ways to ‘optimize’ themselves in certain areas of their lives and they are looking to do that through non-traditional methods.

The second answer is the increasing popularity of plant medicine, which is funny in a sense, because it too has roots based in the beginning of humankind itself as well. So here we have two ancient traditions or ideas that are seeing a pretty remarkable resurgence and increased level of consciousness from people today!

So what exactly is an ‘Ego Death”? Well, simply stated, it is the dissolution of your self identity. Now, there is no hard and fast rule for what this looks like, it can vary greatly depending on the person or situation, but it basically boils down to a few key points which we will discuss here. From a psychological point of view, your ‘ego’ comprises all of the ‘self’ words that you have heard before! Self-esteem, self-identity, and self-image! These different versions of self help us to make the choices that we all make in our daily life. They are half stories that we tell ourselves and half remnants from choices that we have made up to this point on our journey. As you can imagine, that could play a pretty big role in your life.

For example, the “stories” that we tell ourselves can be as little as, “I don't like broccoli” and as major as “I'm not smart enough to get that job”. These stories or narratives that we tell ourselves become our realities. Take a moment and digest that statement! Seriously, no truer words have ever been spoken. Think about your own life and what stories you tell yourself? Now think about havingthe truly awesome power to change these stories, wouldn't that be unbelievably beneficial?

Imagine that you always take the same route to work, everyday, in and out, for years. After a while, you forget that there's even a possibility of being another route. That daily path becomes so ingrained in our psyche that we literally start to believe that it is the only way. But what if there were in fact many other ways to make that journey? Some that were actually better and faster? We would deprive ourselves from ever taking or even knowing that they exist.

This is where ‘Ego Death’ comes into the picture! It’s the idea of wiping the slate clean! The process of changing all these little stories that we tell ourselves on a daily basis, all the patterns and constructs that we continually play out in our lives, so that we free up space for newer and better patterns to emerge. The emotional walls that we have constructed about how and why we do things come crashing down. Sometimes those walls have kept us doing the same things in this life, simply because it is comfortable to do so. In reality, we are not only capable of doing more or doing better, it is our life’s purpose to break free from these imaginary shackles and live up to the divine purpose the Universe has in store for us!

So, as you can see, that is why the concept of ‘ego death’ is so powerful and intriguing, especially as of late! Who wouldn't want to strive for more! Who wouldn't want to reach their maximum potential, while letting go of the negative self talk that is guiding their actions! While no one can change the past, many people believe that ‘ego death’ may hold the key to actually rewriting our personal history, in the hopes of a better future! I don’t know about you, but I wouldn't mind giving that a try!

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