We have all heard of a spiritual awakening. It changes people’s lives. It can change us all in different ways. But, have you ever wondered if you can experience more than one spiritual awakening?
Everyone experiences a spiritual awakening in different ways. Some people feel that they have lost a part of their soul, and they need to create a new soul so that they can live a new life. Others experience a change in their thought patterns.
They start thinking more positively and they express gratitude more often. This helps them manifest positive changes in their life. Their life then becomes about teaching other people how to change theirs. With such a vast range of experiences and ways in which it can change you, it is possible to experience more than one spiritual awakening in your lifetime. In this article we are going to go over some of the different variations and ways you may experience spiritual awakenings over the course of your life.
What Type Of Spiritual Awakening Are You Experiencing?
There are different types of awakenings you are likely to experience through the course of your life. Below I have listed out some of the different types of awakenings people often experience. As you read through these descriptions, you may realize you have already experienced more than one of these types. And that is completely normal! You can experience multiple spiritual awakenings at different times in life. And, when it comes to spiritual awakenings, there is no such thing as too soon or too many.
The Mind
One of the first awakenings people often experience is an awakening of the mind. When your mind awakens, you become aware of the power it holds. Everything in this Universe is mental. Or, in other words, everything that we perceive in the Universe is first processed and expressed in our minds. When our minds awaken, we cannot ignore its power and the new perspective it has given us.
If you are experiencing an awakening of the mind, you will most likely start to resonate with hermetic philosophy or teachings about the power of our subconscious mind. Your mind is the key to your growth. This awakening will make you awe at the beauty of nature and the incredible powers of the human brain. Because without it, you would not be able to tap into this incredible awareness that having this type of awakening brings.
The Personality
Another common type of awakening is the awakening of a new personality. People often believe that personalities are stagnant and unchanging. They think that whether you are happy, energetic, warm, cold, depressed, prickly, friendly, melancholy, extroverted, or introverted are all predetermined traits you are born with.
The truth is, that this is not the case at all. Although, we are creatures of habit, and so the more we practice a personality trait or are expected to act a certain way, the more often we will embody that characteristic in our being and identity. And because of that, to have the sort of awakening that creates a massive shift in your personality, the core of who you think you are, often requires a major event. This type of awakening is usually triggered by a traumatic life experience. This event changes you completely. You struggle to go back to who you were and in fact, going back to the old you is impossible. So, you become a new person altogether. In part, it has to do with denial. But, it also has to do with the fact that things weren’t working before you “awakened”. This is why you HAD to awaken.
Things need to change. And, the new you will help you make these changes slowly. Not every decision that you make will be right. Not everyone you love will love the decisions you make. And, that’s okay. As painful as this situation is, it will pass. Things will get better. The best thing you can do right now is to trust the process.
This type of awakening opens you up to your true purpose. When you have an awakening of consciousness you may find yourself drawn to Shamanism and other ancient traditions that use awakenings and expanding consciousness to help and heal others and the world. This is the type of awakening usually discussed in Shamanic circles. Consciousness can travel and Shamans know how to make it. When your consciousness awakens, you cannot ever go back to who you were. You realize that there are different planes on which life exists. You realize that there are different levels of consciousness and different planes of existence. You can access these levels and planes. Because, as a Shaman, it is your purpose to make all these levels work together for the greater good (for life to exist).
Shamans don’t just bridge the gap between our world and the worlds of spirits. They are the bridge between these worlds. They understand that disharmony on any of these levels and planes can have catastrophic outcomes. So, they make sure it doesn’t happen.
They are not just working for the community. They don’t just bring people back from the dead. They value every breath a person takes just as much as they value life on Earth. They also respect death as a natural process. For them, every life they save represents a greater good. And they do their best fighting for it. They recognize disharmony when they see it in a sick person. And, they do their best to be the mediators they need to be.
Shamans don’t just love ecstasy for nothing. With the work they do, they are ecstatic to be alive. When you experience this type of spiritual awakening, you are not just a different person. You become a different Universe. You become a different world altogether that supports life everywhere there is.
So What Types Of Awakenings Have You Experienced?
Now that you have read about some of the different ways in which you can awaken, it’s time for you to put a label on what you are experiencing. It will help you figure out your next steps.
● If your mind is awakening, you need to exercise it as often as you can.
● If you are awakening as a new person altogether, you need to look for a support system- one that makes this change easier for you to handle.
● If your consciousness is awakening, you need to ground yourself as often as you can. Trust me, it’s not gonna be an easy ride.
Regardless of the type of spiritual awakening you are experiencing, the fact that you are awakening is beyond amazing. I know it’s not easy. But, it’s not meant to be either. You can get through this experience. Things will get better. Patience needs to be your best friend right now. Because nothing else will work. Remember to stay open and remind yourself that everything is unfolding for your greatest good. I wish you all the best. And hope you get to experience each one of the incredible awakenings and all the beautiful growth and awareness each one will bring to your life.