Today we are going to talk about the Ace of Wands.
Aces are wonderful cards because they symbolize a new opportunity for us to discover and grow. The Ace of Wands represents a spark that has the potential to set your soul on fire. You can think of the wand as a match. In the Ace of Wands the match has been struck. It is up to you whether that match will go on to light a brilliant fire within you or simply burn out on its own. It can be easy to miss this spark. It may be just a feeling in your gut, an unexplainable urge, or an exciting idea that pops in your head seemingly out of nowhere. But what it really is, is your intuition telling you “this is me”.
It is something that brings you closer to being your true authentic self. Next time you feel that little flame inside of you, I want you to follow it, that is your soul speaking to you. I call the thing that has the power to set your soul on fire, your Soul Goal. You can have all the material possessions and trappings of a successful life- a good job, a nice home, a loving family, but if you do not have a Soul Goal, you will find yourself feeling like you lack purpose. Whether you already know what your Soul Goal is or have no clue at all, the following challenge is created to help you open your imagination, connect with your creative center and begin to understand and clarify your Soul Goal.
It is something that brings you closer to being your true authentic self. Next time you feel that little flame inside of you, I want you to follow it, that is your soul speaking to you. I call the thing that has the power to set your soul on fire, your Soul Goal. You can have all the material possessions and trappings of a successful life- a good job, a nice home, a loving family, but if you do not have a Soul Goal, you will find yourself feeling like you lack purpose. Whether you already know what your Soul Goal is or have no clue at all, the following challenge is created to help you open your imagination, connect with your creative center and begin to understand and clarify your Soul Goal.
Ace of Wands Challenge:
A meeting with the Magician and High Priestess
In tarot, the Magician represents the universal truth that you are born with all the power and tools you need to accomplish your wildest dreams. The High Priestess represents your inner knowing, your intuition, your subconscious. If you listen to it and let it guide you, it will never steer you wrong. In this visualization you are going to have a meeting with the Magician and the High Priestess. They are going to help guide you to your soul purpose aka your Soul Goal. The mind and imagination are such powerful tools and we often forget to use them for our own good.
To begin, first find a quiet and relaxing space. When I do this exercise I like to set an alarm on my phone for 15-25 minutes. I do this so I can just release time and go into my mind, knowing I don’t need to worry and that the alarm will tell me when it's time to come back. Once you are seated or lying in a comfortable position. I want you to close your eyes and begin by taking slow, deep relaxing breaths- in through your nose and out through your mouth. Began to focus on relaxing your body and releasing your tension. Start by relaxing your jaw and then move to your shoulders and work your way down through your body. Scan your body for areas that are particularly tense or sore and concentrate on relaxing and releasing those muscles as well.
Once you are fully relaxed I want you to recall a memory of a time when you felt completely relaxed and at peace. This may be lying by a beach, or sitting next to a mountain creek. Wherever it is, go to that place in your mind. I want you to imagine it in vivid detail- what are you seeing, feeling, smelling, touching. Use as much detail as possible. Once you feel fully relaxed and have opened your imagination, I then want you to imagine you are walking into a board room. There is a long table and chairs. There are two figures sitting at the table. One is the Magician and one is the High Priestess. They welcome you and invite you to sit down. “We are here to talk about your dreams,” they say.
You sit and a blank screen appears. You all watch as a movie then begins to play on the screen. It is a movie of You. This is a movie of who you are going to become. In this movie you are confident, successful, and embody all the traits you desire to be. It is important to watch the movie without judgment or criticism. Just watch and let the movie unfold. Release your conscious thought and effort. Just let the movie go wherever it is supposed to go. When your timer goes off gently release the images and return to your conscious mind. Write down on a piece of paper or type in the ‘notes’ section of your phone any thoughts or ideas, or things that stuck out to you.
You may not have many answers at first. The movie may go places you don’t understand. It may be hard for you to visualize any of this at all. That is okay. If you can’t visualize this yet, start by just trying to relax your body, the next time try to visualize your peaceful place and so on. Do not try to force a meaning or answer. Instead, I encourage you to return to this visualization often. Each time it will get easier to relax your mind and each time you will be able to go deeper