Tarot For Meditation

Tarot For Meditation

An important pillar of achieving excellent spiritual health is meditation. The simple act of becoming more mindful and using your focus to gain clarity effectively brings peace and stability to your body, mind, and soul. Meditation begins with a blank mind, an empty canvas that you slowly paint on. However, many individuals find it difficult to achieve the "blank" state of mind to begin their spiritual journey. To overcome this hindrance, tarot cards act as a great source of maintaining your focus.


The Role Of Tarot Cards In Meditation

Tarot cards have been used for centuries to provide guidance and insight into an individual's future. However, these cards are often used in meditation to direct your attention to one singular object. With a tarot card in hand, your focus will be on the card's details, the images, the vibrant or dull colors, and expressive or hidden meanings. This will help you maintain your focus and clear your mind of any personal thoughts that are raging. Moreover, these cards can help you deepen your understanding at a personal and profound level. They act as a self-healing tool providing useful, helpful information. Tarot cards further help you gain a deeper insight into your life, and mixed with meditation; you can reinforce or manifest your desires.

Tarot meditation will enlighten your mind to the endless possibilities of each card during a Tarot Meditation. Your inner knowledge will help you see elements in the cards you have never seen before. You will be open to new personal experiences inspired by the figures on the cards. And after you've created this spiritual connection with each formation, they'll be easier to connect with while you're performing readings or meditating.


How To Meditate With Tarot Cards

1. Choosing A Card

Tarot card meditation is not only used for focus but also for a better understanding of the cards and their meanings. Firstly, you should determine the purpose of your meditation. If you are more interested in using tarot cards to improve your focus and blank your mind, then looking for cards in the deck that smoothly fade into the background is ideal. If you are looking for deeper meaning, choose a card that fulfills the purpose or goal you have in mind, such as selecting The Empress if your goal is to become spiritually prepared for parenthood or launch a business.


2. Setting The Stage

To begin tarot meditation, you must prepare yourself and your surroundings. To create an environment, it is ideal to find a place where you won't be disturbed for quite a while. It can be a quiet room or a secluded area in nature. Light a candle or incense that calms you and find a comfortable position to sit in. It can be on a chair, couch, or even on the floor if that is what you prefer. To prepare yourself, focus on releasing your stress and putting your tasks and worries aside for the time being. An internal cleanse can help you feel more ready, including drinking plenty of water and avoiding heavy foods such as meat. Choose clothes you feel comfortable in and indulge in a cleansing bath for better focus. Set your tarot cards next to you and make an intention for the session. It is a human trait to lose your train of thought. Hence, establishing a purpose for the session will help you maintain your focus on your goal. Once you have prepared, naturally begin your meditation session. Focus on breathing consciously and periodically to calm your nerves and relax your body. If you have chosen a card, you can place it before you and focus on the details. As a beginner, it is always advised to choose a card with lighter energy compared to ones heavier on the heart and soul.


3. Finding Your Focus

There are different types of tarot card decks. Whichever you have chosen will have various cards with varying colors, symbols, and meanings. The aim of using the tarot is to focus on these details. Avert your attention to all the minute shapes, symbols, background designs, bodily structures, and anything you might have missed at first glance. Try to look into every detail and conclude what meaning each element might hold for you. Move on to soften your gaze and look beyond the card in front of you. Divert your attention to the wall in front of you or the floor, or even close your eyes but ensure that the card remains in front of your vision. Envision yourself becoming a part of the card with the borders slowly fading away. You can either be a part of that scene or one of the characters on the card. Once achieved, you can now begin your meditation. Let the cards lead the way and decide the journey. Do not overcontrol; focus on the messages you are receiving and the meaning the card wants you to grasp.


4. Awaken and Reflection

Once your journey is complete, return to reality and recognize the work that you have done. Reflect on yourself and your surroundings, and reflect on your experiences. Remind yourself that the peace and insight you just experienced is a plane you can visit again. But for now, focus on all that you have learned. Please find a way of recording your journey through voice memos or journals and reflect on them timely to remind yourself of the lessons learned. These new perceptions can help you recognize different energies. It can help you gain confidence in relying on your intuition and improving your life. Also, keep looking for any experiences that might come as an after-effect. They can also act as a moment of clarity and harmony.



"Holding a deck of tarot cards is like holding the universe in your hand."

As a beginner, using this meditation technique or tarot cards might seem a simple enough task. However, the energies of these methods run far deeper than initially understood. It is ideal to ask for help from a trained individual if you are new to the practice to protect yourself from harmful energies.

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