Incorporating Tarot Into Your Spiritual Practice

Incorporating Tarot Into Your Spiritual Practice

Although tarot can be used for general or specific guidance as well as divining the future, it can also serve as a powerful tool in your spiritual development. In this article we are going to go over exactly what a spiritual practice is and how to start incorporating Tarot into your sacred rituals. So let’s dive right in!


What Is A Spiritual Practice?

A spiritual practice is the regular habit of rituals or activities undertaken for the purpose of cultivating spiritual development and connecting to a higher power, be it the Universe, the Divine, Mother Earth, Goddess, God, your Higher Self or whatever other term resonates most with you. A spiritual practice is commonly described as ‘walking a path’. Therefore, a spiritual practice moves a person along a path towards a goal, which may be enlightenment, inner peace, or a connection or union with the Divine. Sometimes a person who walks such a path can be referred to as a seeker. There are many spiritual paths one can choose to take, but the point is to find one that feels right for you. For some people this may mean following a religion like Christianity, Judaism, or Buddhism while others may resonate more with Yoga, Shamanism or other more mystical paths. Regardless of the path you take, cultivating and maintaining a spiritual practice will help you along your way.


Using Tarot For Spiritual Development

Once you have found a path that feels right for you, you may want to consider incorporating Tarot into your spiritual practice. Tarot is a simple, but powerful practice that can help expand your mind, better understand yourself and the world around you, and tap into higher realms of consciousness. It is a perfect addition to any spiritual path because it can serve as an anchor and guide to affirm and support you on your journey.


Using Tarot During Meditation

One common spiritual practice is meditation. Meditation involves taking the time and space, to release your overacting or ‘monkey mind’, and instead slow your thoughts and focus your attention inward. Many people accomplish this by focusing on the breath or repeating a mantra out loud or in their mind. The point is to learn to cultivate and grow your attention. At first your mind will want to jump around and think of lots of things, from the chores that still need to be done, to a deadline or email you need to reply to. If this starts to happen, you are not doing anything wrong, and you simply need to gently move your focus back to the breath or mantra you have chosen.

Once you have started to become comfortable with your meditation practice, there is a simple way you can start incorporating tarot into this ritual. To begin, prior to your meditation you can start by taking a few slow, deep breaths.

Once you feel centered you can then take out and gently shuffle your tarot deck in whatever way feels most natural to you. Once you have sufficiently shuffled the deck, you can then spread out the cards face down, close your eyes, and move your hands over the cards until you feel the one you are most drawn to. Once you have found this card, pick it up and turn it over. Observe the card- What images do you see? How does this card make you feel? What does this card signify for you? Feel free to also use a guidebook to search the card's meaning.

Once you have done this instead of meditating on the breath or mantra, try meditating on the card you have chosen. As you meditate, imagine going deep within the world of the card. What other messages or meanings are coming through for you. Don’t rush, just be at peace, and allow whatever is meant to be, to arise. When you have received all the information and messages you need, finish your meditation and then take a few minutes to journal on your experience.


Using Tarot After Reading Or Praying

Another simple way to incorporate tarot into your spiritual practice is to pull a Tarot card before or after reading spiritual texts or praying. A beautiful way to start your day is by reading, even just a few pages, of an inspiring or spiritual book or text. Set about 15 minutes aside after waking to practice this loving ritual. You don’t need to read a whole book or even a whole chapter. A few powerful pages can be enough, it is more important to really take the time to digest and reflect on what you are reading. Once you have finished your reading, take a few breaths to center yourself and then shuffle and lay out your tarot cards facedown. Move your hands over the cards and become aware of the subtle energy that draws you to any card in particular. Once you have picked up this card, spend a few minutes in quiet contemplation, considering how this card may further your understanding of the text you just read and the greater meaning it may have for your life or current situation.

The same tarot ritual can be performed after spending some time in prayer. Whereas some people describe meditation as ‘listening to God/The Universe/The Divine’, prayer can be understood as talking to ‘God/The Universe/The Divine’. When you are done praying, take out your tarot deck and follow the same instructions as above. This time when you pick your card, see it as an answer from the Universe in response to your prayers. Take some time to reflect and allow the card's meaning and message to arise.


In Conclusion

These are just a few simple ways to start incorporating Tarot into your spiritual practice. One thing I must recommend is to always keep a journal. Sometimes writing can open new insights for you and having the ability to look back across your journey will give you new understandings that can sometimes only be seen in hindsight. Remember, there is no right or wrong. Your path is yours, and yours alone. As long as you are being true to yourself and listening to the loving, guiding voice we all have within, you will know deep down what the right spiritual path and practices are for you.

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