For many people, the tarot serves as an initiation into the world of divination. And naturally, it can be quite exciting. But when you start studying tarot and learn about so many different meanings of the cards, you may feel a bit overwhelmed. You might also wonder what the best way to learn is and how you can develop your skills as a tarot reader. Of course, this depends on what you are comfortable with and how you learn things in general. But there is one thing you can do that will not only make things easier in the beginning but also help you become a great tarot reader. And that is intuitive tarot reading.
What Is An Intuitive Tarot Reading?
Intuition, in general, plays an important role in our lives. When you get a strong feeling in your gut about something or someone, it's basically your subconscious mind telling you what's right and what's wrong. The sharper your intuition, the greater your "knowing" about what to do. Obviously, this sixth sense can play a huge role in your divination practices... especially tarot reading. The idea here is to let your intuition guide you instead of using your logic to interpret the meanings of the cards. Such a reading can be much more accurate and relevant to the query at hand.
How To Do An Intuitive Tarot Reading
The first step here is to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and clear your mind. It's almost like going into a meditative state. This makes it easier for you to tap into your intuition. Keep in mind that this will get easier and more effective over time. Then, look at a card without any preconceived notions or expectations. Just pay attention and let your subconscious mind do its thing. You will have a "feeling" about what this card might represent. Also, pay attention to how you're reacting to it emotionally. This can tell you a lot about what the card is trying to say. Then, once you have formed some sort of an idea about the card, look at its meaning in the booklet that came with the cards. Ask yourself, does your intuition match its meaning? If not, can the two be connected somehow? Look at your card again and try to piece together the different pieces of information in your mind and create a clearer picture. Keep practicing this over and over again. Then, when you feel like you're ready, you can start reading for queries. This involves setting a question for each card before you start reading it. Again, use your intuition to guide you to the relevant interpretation and see how it connects to the question.
Strengthening Your Intuition
The more you allow your intuition to speak, the sharper it becomes. Eventually, you will be able to tap into it whenever and wherever you want. However, it's also important to learn the symbolism related to every tarot card. This can help develop your intuition further. After all, your intuition relies greatly on the pool of memory and impressions that are stored in your subconscious mind. So, by studying the tarot cards and their meanings, you will essentially provide your intuition with the data it needs to come up with the relevant interpretations.