Using Human Design To Find Love

Using Human Design To Find Love

Human Design is a unique tool to better understand ourselves and how we interact with the world. One important area of life that Human Design can be particularly helpful in, is love and relationships. Understanding your own individual Human Design Chart can give you valuable and unique insights into the best ways to find love, choose good partners and create sustainable lasting relationships!


Human Design can help guide you to a better understanding of when someone might be a good match, how fast to act, and what to avoid when it comes to navigating love and relationships. So whether you are completely new to Human Design or have been studying it for a while, I hope the following article can give you some new insight as you begin this journey and navigate the world of relationships!


The Five Types Of Human Design

Before we dive right in I just want to quickly go over the five different types of human design. Just like we are all magically unique and different as beings on this earth, each human design type possesses its own strengths and weaknesses. There is no such thing as a ‘good’ type or ‘bad’ type, you have to remember that! Each one is unique and special in its own right! Harnessing this knowledge will help give you a new ‘lens’ through which to view yourself, your aura and the way your energy interacts with the world.


1. Manifestors: This type is unique in that they have the ability to move energy into action.

2. Generators: This type has strong life force energy, they are the builders, working to create things in the world.

3. Manifesting Generators: Have both the ability to move energy into action and follow through and build out their vision.

4. Projectors: Are energy magnets and people are naturally drawn to them. They do not possess the forceful energy reserves of Manifestors and Generators, but their gift is in understanding how energy should be applied.

5. Reflectors: They are the wise observers of life and have a gift for reading other people. They reflect back the energy they come in contact with and essentially become their environment. They are able to do this without effort, but can easily feel unseen by others because of it.


So now that you have a better understanding of the energy and life force you bring into the world, let's take a look at how you can use your unique gifts when it comes to finding love.



You are the initiators of this world. When you feel a pull or connection to someone, go for it! Your impulse is typically right and you should always follow your gut instinct. The only time you may run into trouble is when your gut is telling you one thing, but you don’t want to believe or listen to it because it may not be the person or situation you had envisioned in your mind. If it feels right, go for it. Make the first move. Ask that cute stranger if they have plans later. Your energy is not for everyone, it will naturally repel people that are not right for you. But on the flip side, it totally draws the right people in even more. Just try to embrace yourself, quirks and all. You are a visionary. And visionaries often march to the beat of their own drum. Embrace your uniqueness, your drive, your passion, and your strong gut reactions to things. The perfect person is ready for all you got!



This is the type that should let the right person come to them. You shine your brightest when you are out in the world doing what you love and following the things that bring you joy. If you follow your heart, you will totally be an unstoppable magnet pulling all the right people to you. You also have a strong gut instinct that will always tell you what is right and wrong. Listen to it! If you take the time to tune in and really listen to your intuition, the right answer, path, and relationship will open up to you. At the end of the day, just have fun, do the things you love, and fun and love will come to you!


Manifesting Generators

Manifesting Generators are unique in that while their two main focuses in life are work and family/relationships they are wired to move at warp speed. They like to do things as fast as possible (say for example getting engaged before you really know a person) and are prone to skipping steps that they then have to go back and fix. Although this type craves relationships and often has a steady partner they can have a tendency to get caught up in their own pursuits, and bring lots of energy to everything they do which can leave their partner feeling left in the dust, and unimportant. It is important for you to remember to keep your partner in the loop, and if possible slow things down. You can easily go in a million directions but if you are able to stop and pause long enough, the right answer will come from deep inside you.



People are naturally drawn to you, but be wary of who’s energy you let into your life. The best partner for you is someone who makes you feel like your most true, authentic self. Like generators, it is best to let love come to you. Although, if you feel a magnetic chemistry with someone it can be okay to make the first move, just be sure the initial spark is there. Projectors' natural tendency is to want to manage and direct others, so if they are not with the right partner they can come off as bossy or even annoying. Therefore they need a partner who can recognize that their motive really is to be helpful, not necessarily controlling. A good partner would be someone who wants to hear the projector’s opinion and is open to the wisdom they have to share.



One thing that is very important for reflectors when it comes to dating and relationships is to not rush into anything. Reflectors need time to set an intention, wait for things to unfold, and give time for the right next step to come (ideally waiting the length of the lunar cycle). This type more than any other has an incredible knack for reading energy and truly understanding people on a deep level. They can be deeply affected by the energy around them and it is important for them to prioritize having a relationship with someone that is a truly good person with positive, caring energy.


In Conclusion

We all know the world of love and relationships can be challenging at times! Using the tools of Human Design is sure to help ‘level the playing field’ and give you more clarity! There is so much more to learn, so get out there and challenge yourself! You have everything you need within yourself to find love and Human Design can help us tap into that knowledge! So get out there, keep learning and good luck!

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