Human Design: Generators Make The World Go Round!

Human Design: Generators Make The World Go Round!

So, if you are here with me right now and you find yourself reading this article…then you must have a fascination or at least some kind of interest in Human Design! Wonderful! As you are probably aware, there are four major Human Design types. The Generators, Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors…And no worries if you are reading this and saying, “What are they talking about?” or “I don’t know what any of these words mean?”. This article will help break down some of the basics and by the end of it, you will be ready to learn more!


Ok, so today we are going to be taking a deep dive into the Generators of the world, and there are a lot of them out there! Generators make up roughly 70% of the world's population! With numbers like that, you are almost sure to have some Generators in your life or even be one yourself. So you might as well get to know them better and learn how to better understand, flow, and mesh your energy with theirs! If you somehow don’t know any Generators, no problem…Wait a few minutes, walk down the street and you are sure to bump into one!


Just like the name implies, Generators are motivated by action. They like to get things done and they like forward momentum. Staying still, remaining in one place, both physically and mentally, will not suit them! That doesn't mean that they always have to be doing something, it just means they would prefer (and work best) with some kind of overarching goal to be working towards. To back up for a moment, for everyone just getting started with Human Design, the Generator type is broken down into two major classifications based on their well defined sacral center, full on Generators and Manifesting Generators. We will dive more into the latter classification later on, but for now let’s just stick with the full on Generator type!


As mentioned earlier, Generators like to get stuff done! If we picture the world as a whole, and we know that Generators make up 70% of the world, then it’s clear that they literally help the world progress and create much of the amazing things that get accomplished on this earth. They are masters of problem solving, overcoming obstacles, and taking on challenges! Now this is not to say that other Human Design types are not goal oriented, or lack some characteristic of ‘getting stuff done’, it just means that Generators as a whole will benefit greatly and be at their best when confronted with forward momentum. They will be living in harmony with themselves when confronted with these types of tasks. Who wouldn't want to live at peak optimization, right?


Generators can extract the most out of this life, when they are living in symbiosis with their true path. This need for forward momentum does not begin in their mind as many people might think, it emanates from deep within their physical form itself. We have all heard the saying, “trust your instincts”, but for generators this is the ultimate guide for living a meaningful life. They must trust their gut and follow that intuition to achieve everything they yearn for. The good news, which many people actually overlook or don’t think about altogether, is that ‘trusting your gut’ can actually be practiced!


Now, I know what you are thinking? How can you practice that? Well, the best way is to start small. Pay attention to those small hunches that you have throughout the day. Listen to that inner voice, that soft voice that whispers to us throughout the day, and actually test out the things it says to you. Like everything in life, practice makes perfect, so consciously try and listen for that voice and see if what it says comes true! The art of this is not so much seeing what your intuition was right or wrong about, but more so getting comfortable raising the volume of that “voice” within us!


The reason this can be so beneficial for Generators, is that they strive for forward momentum at a literal cellular level! Getting better at listening and trusting their instincts will help them get to the places they need to go, faster and with more clarity than they ever thought possible. Since Generators help ‘make the world go round’, we should all hope they take a moment every day and practice getting in tune with their ‘gut’, so we as a whole can live in a better, more harmonized planet!

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