Bodygraph Cheat Sheet

Bodygraph Cheat Sheet

Here you are! You heard about Human Design and you were intrigued?! You went ahead and got your personal Human Design chart made based on your birth date and location details. Now what!?


Ok, so you have taken the first step! Now you are staring at the strangest and most complicated chart that you have ever seen! You are probably asking yourself, “what have I gotten into here?” Don’t worry, you got this! Let’s break down a few of the most important “big picture” takeaways from your chart! You can always dive deeper, but this is a perfect place to start for someone just getting into the ideas and uses of Human Design!




What kind of things can you learn from your personal Human Design Chart?! To start, focus on these major elements of your Bodygraph chart!


TYPE: Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors and Reflectors.

OVERVIEW: What exact kind of person are you and what are your personality traits? How can the knowledge of these traits help you to better flow with the direction your life is supposed to take. When we are in sync with our natural rhythms, we are able to flow through life and life’s challenges with more of a sense of peace. TAKE ACTION: Know your type and begin to research the different characteristics of your specific type! Reflect on how these correlate with your own life and experiences. Think about how you can better flow with this type!


STRATEGY: To respond, To wait for invitation, To inform, Wait a lunar cycle.

OVERVIEW: How you personally should best make decisions for your life. Your strategy can help guide you to what works best for you and what doesn’t.

TAKE ACTION: Strategy will help you take actionable steps to better navigate choices that arise in your life, based on your very own personality type.


AUTHORITY: Solar Plexus, Sacral, Splenic, Minor Ego, Self Projected, None, Mental Projector

OVERVIEW: Where to look in your body and with your bodily energy to make those important decisions in our lives. Look at strategy as putting the different paths in front of us and use authority to choose the right one!

TAKE ACTION: Use your Authority to help make better and more aligned choices. Look for patterns in the choices you have made and compare them to your Human Design traits!


FOR THE ROAD: You did it! You have gotten your Human Design Chart and now you understand the basics and know what to look for! Human Design allows us to go out there and walk confidently in the world, knowing that you are living in sync with your specific human nature. By adding the lessons of Human Design to your “toolkit”, you are sure to notice more harmony in your daily life, less doubt and hopefully a new sense of well being!

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